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    本站讯  12月22日上午,2012年亚健康与健康长寿学术报告论坛召开。黍匀营养机构与会发表学术论文12份,获得了大会专家高度赞赏,取得了良好的科研成绩。主要论文有:

    《关于营养与健康、亚健康及长寿关系的研究》,作者  黎黍匀  古秋娥.

     Abstract: The purpose of this paper is the concept of the different states of health(health, sub-health, longevity) principle of prevention and control of the analysis, Systematically studing the different state of the relationship between nutrition and clearing relationship between nutrition and health. Nutrition and health research, including the relationship between the impact of the field of physiological, psychological, social resilience; Nutrition and sub-health research, including the sub-healthy nutrition means of prevention, the contents of the sub-health auxiliary treatment; Nutrition and longevity research, including the definition of the physical characteristics of the longevity crowd, longevity diet characteristics of the population, the disease status of the longevity population, longevity and nutrition positive relations aspects of longevity. Systems analysis to understand the relationship between nutrition and physical state of understanding of the relationship between nutrition and health, nutrition means conducive to the use of different physical effective intervention, and prevention of disease.

    《当代营养学思想发展趋势分析》,作者 黎黍匀.

        Abstract: Historical review of the events of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, to explore the trends of scientific research thought process, these analyzes have important reference ualue for understanding the development trend of the nutrition.The scientific idea had a substantial change in the fields of integration and decompose.This changes occur was promoted by the scientific exploration and the scientific research.In the fields of nutrition, the thinking  of decompose is very obvious because of the lag of science idea.But now,it is still difficulty of getting guidance,and had led to obscure of the trend.It is main way out for the future,s Nutrition by the trend of returning integration.

    《宫寒发病机理的初步研究》,作者 岳珍 黎黍匀.

     Abstract: To expound and analyse the occurring mechanism of Cervical Cold,and put forward the treatment measures of medicative diet. Cervical Cold can be prevented by various preventive measures.The article can provide a reference for recovering from the illness clinically.It can get the same reference of preventive measures for nutritional choices.

    《广西经典菜品工艺与营养价值分析》,作者 朱照华 黎黍匀.

    Abstract: Guangxi has the three characteristics of the plains, mountains, coastal,and Produced colorful ingredients. Guangxi-based, people with a variety of ingredients to create a rich local ethnic characteristics of the various types of classic dishes. Through analysis of the level of Guangxi six classic dishes of raw material composition and potassium / sodium ratio coefficient, Come to the nutritional ualue of size of all kinds of dishes, and make reference to the proposed whether as an everyday common non-staple food or food tasting. This increase in the spread and development of the understanding of Guangxi specialties and food culture, has a positive role in promoting.

    《钾的原理与作用分析》,作者 潘琼阁 黎黍匀.

    Abstract:This paper systematically studied potassium structure, principles, history, clinical.Effective classification and understanding and potassium in application analysis, to provide an effective solution of potassium in the food classification and the proportion of the design, to fully demonstrate the potassium contemporary scientific research overview.

    《蓝莓水对慢性压力下大鼠认知功能障碍的保护作用》,作者 G Qian   黎黍匀.

    Abstract: Obiective The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 8-week supplementation of blueberry drink on the cognitive performance of adult rats exposed to chronic psychological stress. Methods Three month-old male Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups. At the end of experimental period, the evaluation of rodent cognitive level was assessed by a water maze test. Results The cognitive performances of the +STR group were impaired evidently as compared to those of the CON group, and these changes were improved significantly by BB drink supplementation (P<0.05). The administration of BB drink also resulted in higher brain SOD, GSH-Px, and ascorbic acid levels, and increased plasma norepinephrine and dopamine levels than the +STR group significantly (P<0.05). Conclusions These findings suggest that blueberry drink may protect against cognitive impairment induced by chronic psychological stress.

    《历代中医养生与亚健康防治论》,作者 黎黍匀.

    Abstract: TCM's health promotion ideas and methods for prevention in sub-health, disease prevention. TCM thinking in medical treatment and prevention of the disease mainly to comply with the laws of nature, diet, actions, emotions Four Seasons law does not violate health. Sub is due to the fierce competition in today's society, due to the loss of self-health protection. Through the to understanding TCM, use the ideas and methods of TCM's health promotion, promote physical rehabilitation of the health groups and reduce the incidence of the disease has important ualue and significance.

    《钠的结构及其营养价值分析》。作者 黎黍匀.

    Abstract: Sodium is one of the important nutritional element in the human body. Through the study of the physical and chemical properties of sodium, understand its specific structure, the interpretation of a particular function on the basis of the particular institution. For the study of the metabolism and absorption of sodium can understand the human use of sodium in life which select certain reference source of nutritious food and clinical nutrition. And its physiological function is an important field of study.

    《食物生命力指数的概念与作用》,作者 黎黍匀.

    Abstract: Analysis of the food has been taken to a sensory experience to determine their nutritional ualue. The development of contemporary science and technology, making the analysis of food through the micro-level. The nutrients found marks food assessment into the field of microscopic morphology. Modern Nutrition by parse the form of nutrient composition of the food itself, the nutritional ualue of food is determined by how much content relative ualue size. However, the ualue of a single ingredient content, in the true meaning does not solve the overall effect of the food itself. Put forward, and the formation of the concept of vitality index, the effective evaluation of the core ingredients on food, has a more reasonable diet guidance, closer to the actual significance. Grasp and understanding of the food the vitality index concept, which will help the food the core ualues ;grasp and core nutritional guidance, and guidance on nutrition and diet or nutrition clinical studies have practical significance.

    《中国古典营养学的发展概述》,作者 黎黍匀.

    Abstract: The Chinese classical Nutrition a long history, dating back 7000 years of history. Classical nutrition detailed famous of dynasties nutrition, health scholar with the laws of nature to explore and discover, and the creation of a variety of nutrition books. The ideological core of the classical nutrition holistic view reflects the harmonious relationship of man and nature. The classical Nutrition has far-reaching significance to the development of contemporary nutrition guidance for the development of guidelines for modern nutrition ualue. The future direction of the classical Nutrition, will the human exploration of the nature of the nutrition ualue, has a decisive influence.

    《中国古筝禅悟历代演变分析》,作者 黎黍匀 关孟华.

    Abstract: Zheng is China's long history of musical instruments, widely spread in the folk. Since ancient times, there interpretation of the famous people to make the zither art creation to reach the peak of their spiritual practice. The ancient spiritual practitioners for Zen enlightenment, happiness in this world. The Chinese zither since Han Sheng, since the Qing and reaching widely. Chinese zither playing method gradually evolved, it is the style of a strong and a jump, as the beads fall into a dish one would send a strong voice, beautiful shape, when the bomb seems to have forgotten the people around.Continued since ancient Chinese zither bomb method Heritage bomb method with the phenomenon worthy of study and study its evolution to discover the instrument heritage regimen traces the essence.

         《夫妻病的产生与原理》,作者 黎黍匀

Abstract:The Couple's Disease arises behind the chronically ill appearedfollowing the social reforming of Life-style. Couple's Disease belongs to the range of chronically illhappening by the factors-eating patternsLife-stylespsychologic factorsenvironmental factorsetc. The reasons of Couple's Disease is caused by contacting pathogenic factors, losing and taking the preventive measures, after that, following similar diseases or the same.The protective principle of Couple's Disease is uniformity to the chronically ill.It may be acquire a ideal effect by taking the methods, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.



发表日期:2012年12月22日    浏览次数:1723次
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