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Nutrition Nursing care Schedule


Scope of Application

Enterogastritis, lung weakness, and it can used to reduce cholesterol, protect heart, prevent chronic diseases

Disease Names

The reasons for colitis may be pressure, poor diet, drainage difficulty, or hypersensitivity or excessive drug use.

The Main symptoms of lungs weakness are uncomfortable feeling of the lung when it’s stimulated and used excessively, such as cough, dyspnea, panting, FVC less than ordinary people. What are conducive to the lung contains vitamin C, A, B groups, iron, zinc, which can enhance the lung’s function of self-regulation and avoid all rajasic foods.

Excessive cholesterol will increase the blood pressure, is harmful for heart health and maintenance of intestinal tract and stomach.

Heart maintenance needs good diet, enough unsaturated fat and vitamins. The above symptoms and other unformed illnesses can develop to chronic non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases for short.


The dietary schedule used in this program is very effective, but in this case, a lot of fiber will stimulate the intestinal tract. As a result, the minor steamed vegetables, fish and cooked grains are usually more appropriate diet programs, and easily absorbed fruit can be taken as a snack. Avoid eating any food digestion stimulus, including all your allergic food, such as wheat, alcohol, coffee and spices.


        For example:

        1, Avoid eating the food with high content of sugar, salt, and high saturated fat, coffee and excessive alcohol.

        2, Breakfast: porridge - apple ( the porridge can be boiled with the materials of red dates, tomatoes and corn, and  only one apple is OK)

        Lunch: two dishes of boiled vegetables (cooked with boiled water, and eaten with peanut oil), such as a dish of tomato cooked with eggs or white meat, (only a small amount of cooked fish and chicken can be eaten), and one apple is OK.

 Dinner: two dishes of boiled vegetables (cooked with boiled water, and eaten with peanut oil), such as fried carrot, white meat (notice that only a small amount of white meat can be eaten at night), stewed peanuts, and one apple is OK.

        3, Instructions:

        1) The vegetables should be no less than one kg every day, and different kinds of vegetables can be interchanged if you feel too bored of the same vegetables. (however you can only choose from vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and seeds, but beans food which is not good for digestion may cause flatulence)

        2) Only white meat is allowed to be eaten, as red meat increases the gastrointestinal digestion burden.

        3) If all the food above is organic fruits and vegetables, the effect will be better.

        4) This diet should be persisted on at least three months, of which one day of per week, food like porridge should be eaten (porridge, the food that needn’t to be chewed)




Added suggestions: a comprehensive supplement of nutrient and non-nutrient food

8 degrees SOD wine (including non-nutrient component)

Spirulina (rich in nutrients component)

Vitamin C (the above products are lack of vitamin C, do some are added here)

Using methods

The first three days are adaptation period.

Low degree SOD wine: once a day, each time 15 ml (the time is open, before eight o’clock in the evening)

 Vitamin C: 3 pills per day (on an empty stomach), three times a day ( the time is open, but before the evening)

 Spirulina: 8 pills in the morning (6:00 -- 8:00), 8 pills at noon (14:00-15:00).

After three days are regulation period

Low degrees SOD wine: once a day, each time 15 ml (the time is open, before the evening)

Vitamin C: 3 pills per day (on an empty stomach), three times a day ( the time is open, but before the evening)

Spirulina: 8 pills in the morning (6:00-8:00), 8 pills at noon (14:00-15:00), 8 pills in the afternoon (16:00-20:00).

 Supplement consecutive three months will be OK.



Aerobic exercise such as jogging, mountain climbing, and walking can be good for self-healing of the body, exercise abdominal muscles and increase lung capacity.


Do relaxing exercise, for example massage the abdominal region clockwise 60 circles.


High anion park, the forest environment, keep away from polluting gas places.


The regulation period of chronic gastroenteritis should accordingly be longer, and generally six months is the full rehabilitation period. After finishing using products, eighty percent organs will rehabilitate from sub-healthy state of to health state.

Products and Instrument

8 degrees SOD wine, spirulina, VitaminC


Nursing NutritionistLi ShuyunDietician

6-603,Wenhua Yuan, University Road,Nanning City,Guangxi Prov.China


Time: 2008-9-3

 Using Methods

 1, Papaya SOD wine (8 degrees): three times a day, each time 15 ml

 2, Vitamin C: three times a day, three pills each time in the morning, at noon, and in the evening

 3, Spirulina: three times a day, eight pills each time in the morning, at noon, and in the evening


                                   The Time Table of the Products Using


SOD Wine

Vitamin C


Morning 600-800


3 pills

8 pills

Noon 1200-1400


3 pills

8 pills

Evening 1700-1900


3 pills

8 pills



 Please take above products one hour interval if other drugs are taken during these period.

After taking the products for three months, stop taking any of the above produ


cts for one month.

After a cessation of one month, take out all the remaining products.

After three months treatment for the above symptoms, eighty percent of the diseases will be eliminated.




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发表日期:2008年10月25日    浏览次数:2288次
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