古秋娥 黎黍匀
Systematic and comprehensive study of sub-health to the implementation of Precision health
GU qiu-e,LI shu-yun.
( The Guangxi sub-health Science and Technology Research Association,530022,China)
Abstract: China has entered a new phase of the " One Health" industry, and all fields need to conduct a comprehensive research and exploration.Sub-health research need to walk out of predicament, the precise and comprehensive research should be carried out, in the aspects of physiology, psychology, living habits, social adaptability and so on depth analysis and accurate health to provide accurate research foundation.Then make precise prevention and control, from the diet, psychology, lifestyle, health project selection and so on, so as to make Precision health is implemented, for the construction of healthy China to make valuable contributions.
Keywords: One Health; Sub-health; Precision health;System
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